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Sourcify Database

Sourcify Database is the main storage backend for Sourcify. It is a PostgreSQL database that follows the Verified Alliance Schema as its base with few modifications.

On a high level, these modifications are:

  • Sourcify DB does accept contracts without the deployment details such as block_number, transaction_hash as well as without an onchain creation bytecode (contracts.creation_code_hash).
  • Stores the Solidity metadata separately in the sourcify_matches table.
  • Introduces tables for other purposes.

You can follow the services/database/migrations folder for the initial schema and the changes made to it. These are not necessarily the differences between Sourcify DB and the Verified Alliance Schema, but any changes made to the schema over time.


You can access the live schema of the database here or in the embedded frame below.

In short:

  • Every verified contract is a coupling between a deployed contract (contract_deployments) and a compilation (compiled_contracts)
  • "Transformations" are applied to reach the final matching onchain bytecode from a bytecode from a compilation.
  • Contract bytecodes are "normalized" for deduplication. A bytecode of a popular contract like ERC20.sol will only be stored once.

For more information about the schemas of the json fields below check the Verifier Alliance repo.

JSON fields of verified_contracts table:

  • creation_values
  • creation_transformations
  • runtime_values
  • runtime_transformations

The transformations and values are the operations done on a bytecode from a compilation to reach the final matching onchain bytecode.

JSON fields of compiled_contracts table:

  • sources: Source code files of a contract
  • compiler_settings
  • compilation_artifacts: Fields from the compilation output JSON. Fields: abi, userdoc, devdoc, sources (AST identifiers), storageLayout
  • creation_code_artifacts: Fields under evm.bytecode field. Fields: sourceMap, linkReferences, cborAuxdata
  • runtime_code_artifacts: Fields under evm.deployedBytecode field. Fields: sourceMap, linkReferences, cborAuxdata, immutableReferences


We dump the whole database daily in Parquet format and upload it to a Cloudflare R2 storage. You can access the manifest file at ( .dev redirects to .app domain, which also belongs to Sourcify). The script that does the dump is at sourcifyeth/parquet-export. will redirect to a manifest.json file:

"timestamp": 1726030203254,
"dateStr": "2024-09-11T04:50:03.254904Z",
"files": {
"code": [
"contracts": [
"contract_deployments": [
"compiled_contracts": [
"verified_contracts": [
"sourcify_matches": [

You can download all the files and use a parquet client to query, inspect, or process the data.

  1. Download the manifest file (-L to follow redirects):

    curl -L -O
  2. Download all the tables listed in the manifest:

    jq -r '.files | keys[] as $k | .[$k][]' manifest.json | xargs -I {} curl -L -O{}

For example you can install the parquet-cli to do basic inspection:

brew install parquet-cli

parquet meta compiled_contracts_0_5000.parquet

alternatively use your favorite data processing tool or import this data into a database.