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File Repositories

This page describes the RepositoryV1 and RepositoryV2, which are file systems. See All Repositories for details.

Table of Contents

RepositoryV1 vs RepositoryV2


RepositoryV1 is the legacy storage backend for files. It is simply a file system based on how file paths are given in the Solidity metadata. file.

An example metadata source file paths look like this for the "full_match" contract 0x801f3983c7baBF5E6ae192c84E1257844aDb4b4D on Ethereum Mainnet (1):

"sources": {
"erc20/IERC20.sol": {
"keccak256": "0xa38ec4e151e4d397d05bdfb94e6e4eb91e57a9fca3bc1c655289a4adf31a58fa",
"license": "MIT",
"urls": [
"erc20/airdrop.sol": {
"keccak256": "0xea27a3e2c4179a064caf9fe9a198addd526fd1d1ea467ea474a0c069e6eac957",
"urls": [

These files will be like below (see in repo):

├── metadata.json
└── sources/
└── erc20/
├── IERC20.sol
└── airdrop.sol

The problem with this is the part "erc20/airdrop.sol" is not necessarily a valid file path but a "source unit name" in Solidity, i.e. arbitrary strings. This may cause issues on file systems as well as when pinning to IPFS.


RepositoryV2 is the format where we normalize the file names with their keccak256 hashes (source files must have a keccak256 field in the metadata). So the example above would look like this:

├── metadata.json
└── sources/
└── 0xa38ec4e151e4d397d05bdfb94e6e4eb91e57a9fca3bc1c655289a4adf31a58fa
└── 0xea27a3e2c4179a064caf9fe9a198addd526fd1d1ea467ea474a0c069e6eac957

The files are exactly the same so their IPFS hashes will not change, and you can look up the metadata file to find the original path-alike source unit names.


Unfortunatelly publishing under IPNS is temporarily disabled. This is because of the difficulty of managing the whole filesystem over IPFS (with MFS etc.) and updating the IPNS regularly.

We still pin all the files on IPFS so you can access them over their individual CIDs (e.g. QmVij3h9z536ZG5cRpUmTfdoN9KR1Xp4ix2P7to9dPHgE5).

Look at the Download section to learn how to download the whole repository.


Moved to


We compress the RepositoryV2 weekly and publish on Cloudflare R2 under ( .dev redirects to .app domain, which also belongs to Sourcify).

Bouncing Sourcify logo for loading content
Calculating the repository size... will redirect to a manifest.json file:

"description": "Manifest file for when the Sourcify file repository was uploaded",
"timestamp": 1726030203254,
"dateStr": "2024-09-11T04:50:03.254904Z",
"files": [
"path": "/sourcify-repository-2025-01-06T03-00-24/full_match.1.00.tar.gz"
"sizeInBytes": 2097152000
"path": "/sourcify-repository-2025-01-06T03-00-24/full_match.1.01.tar.gz"
"sizeInBytes": 800472503

The files are split by match type, chain and the first byte of the contract address. E.g. /full_match.1.2F.tar.gz will contain all the full_match contracts for chain 1 starting with 0x2F.

You can download all files in the files array and unzip them:

  1. Download the manifest file (-L to follow redirects):

    curl -L -O
  2. Extract file paths and download each file:

    jq -r '.files[].path' manifest.json | xargs -I {} curl -L -O{}
  3. Concatenate the downloaded parts:

    cat sourcify-repository-*.part.gz.* > sourcify-repository.gz
  4. Unzip the concatenated file:

    tar -xvzf sourcify-repository.gz