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Verification on Local Test Chain

When running locally i.e. NODE_ENV !== production, Sourcify adds the chainIds for the Ganache (1337) and Hardhat Network (31337) by default.

If you are running a different local chain, you can add it to Sourcify manually.

First, find the chainId of your local chain. For Hardhat network default is 31337. For Ganache it is 1337. If you don't know the chain id of your network, you can send the net_version RPC call and look at the result field:

$ curl localhost:8545 -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"net_version","params":[],"id":67}'


Similar to adding EVM chains add the chain to sourcify-chains-default.json, or to override all other chains you can simply create a new file sourcify-chains.json in the same directory. For example, to add the Hardhat Network:

"31337": {
"sourcifyName": "Hardhat Network",
"supported": true,
"rpc": ["http://localhost:8545"],

Now you can deploy and verify contracts on the testnet. Don't forget to rebuild the repo for changes to take effect:

npx lerna run build

Start the server

npm run server:start

Start the UI

npm run ui:start